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   b.id as id, concat_ws('-', substr(b.isbn,1,3), substr(b.isbn,4)) as isbn, b.name as name, bas.authors as authors, b.classification as classification, bgs.genres as genres, b.published as published
   books b
   left join (
         ba.book_id, group_concat( concat_ws(' ', a.first_name, a.middle_name, a.last_name ) separator ', ' ) as authors
         book_authors ba
         join authors a on ba.author_id = a.id
      group by
         ba.book_id) as bas on b.id = bas.book_id
   left join (
         bg.book_id, group_concat(g.name separator ', ') as genres
         book_genres bg
         join genres g on bg.genre_id = g.id
      group by
         bg.book_id) as bgs on b.id = bgs.book_id
order by
   1 asc
   100 offset 0
   count(*) as count
   books b
Id ISBN Name Authors Classification Genres Published
1 978-1557427960 The Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde Novel Philosophical, Gothic, Speculative 1891
2 978-0140283297 On the Road Jacke Kerouac Novel Roman à clef 1957
3 978-1851243969 Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Shelley Novel Gothic, Science Fiction, Romance, Horror 1818
4 978-0345347954 Childhood's End Arthur C. Clarke Novel Science Fiction 1966
5 978-0451457998 A Clockwork Orange Arthur C. Clarke Novel Science Fiction 1962
6 978-0440184621 Tai-Pan James Clavell Novel Historical Fiction 1982
7 978-0486266848 Another Turn of the Screw Henry James Novel Ghost story, Gothic, Horror, Novella 1898
8 978-0486280615 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Novel Satire, Adventure, Children's literature, Humour 1884
9 978-0143104889 A Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs Novel Fantasy, Sword and planet, Science Fiction 1917
10 978-1974599271 War of the Worlds H. G. Wells Novel Science Fiction 1897
11 978-0141439792 Northanger Abbey Jane Austin Novel Gothic, Romance 1818
12 978-0141439587 Emma Jane Austin Novel Manners 1916
13 978-0394404288 The Prophet Kahlil Gabran Poetry Prose Poetry 1923
14 - Zen and the Art of Motocycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Value Robert M. Pirsig Novel Philosophical, Autobiographical 1974
15 - Shogun James Clavell Novel Historical Fiction 1975
16 - Hunger Knut Hamson Novel Philosophical, Psychological 1890
17 - The Growth of the Soil Knut Hamson Novel Fiction 1921
18 - The Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway Novel Fiction, Roman à clef 1926
19 - Great Expectations Charles Dickens Novel Novel 1860
20 - The Great Gadsby F. Scott Fitzgerald Novel Tragedy 1925
21 978-0374528379 Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoevsky Novel Psychological, Theological 1880
22 - Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky Novel Philosophical, Psychological, Crime 1866
23 - The Death of Ivan Ilyich Leo Tolstoy Novel Philosophical, Fiction 1886
24 - A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway Novel Realism 1929
25 - Dune: House Atreides Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson Novel Science Fiction 1999