SQL Formatting

Let’s standardize how we write SQL.  What joy.   Rarely, have I seen consistency in how SQL is formatted, and often it is not even considered.

Here is the standard I use which makes it  easy to read both simple and complex queries.  Here is an example:

   b.id                                       as book_id,
   b.title                                    ,
   group_concat(a.first_name, ' ', 
                a.last_name, separator ', ')  as authors,
   b.published                                ,
   books b
   left join book_authors ba on b.id = ba.book_id
   left join authors a on ba.author_id = a.id 
   b.published < '1900' and
   a.nationality = 'English'
group by
order by
   b.published desc,


  1. Lower case all keywords. See Why Shout in your SQL?
  2. Keywords that group sections – select, from, where, group by, having, order by, and limit should be on their own line with no leading spaces.
  3. Code between the keyword groupings should be indented
  4. Indentation should be 3 spaces.
  5. No line should exceed 79 characters
  6. All table names must have an alias, if more than one table is used
  7. All field names should be prefixed with an alias,  if more than one table is used
  8. Select, group by, and order by clauses should have each field on it’s own line, but may not if the list is small.
  9. Select fields should be broken up into multiple properly indented lines when long or complicated.  For example, when using functions like concat_ws, substring, etc.
  10. Select clauses may horizontally align ‘as’ names
  11. From clause should have each table on its own line
  12. From join clauses may want to have each join condition on its own line indented in, if they are long
  13. Where and having clauses should have each ‘and’ condition on its own line
  14. Conditions may horizontally align on =, <, <=, >, >=, !=
  15. Joining keywords on, and, and or should be never start a new line.
  16. Nested queries should be formated the same way with additional indentation necessary to line them up
  17. Semicolon should be on it’s own line with no leading spaces.

More Examples

Line up field ‘as’ names
   a.col              as name1
   a.long_column_name as name2,
   func(a.other)      as name3
Long join statements
   usage u
   left join usage_detail ud on
      u.usage_id = ud.usage_id and
      u.status_id <= 500 and
      (ud.trans_type = 'TD' or ud.position = 'R26')
The case statement
      when t.trans_type is null then
      when t.trans_type in (20, 50) then
         (-1) * qty * amount
          qty * amount
      end as total
   o.id as order_id
   orders o
   left join (
         count(*) as orders
      ) ois on o.id = ois.order_id
   o.order_date       >= '2015-02-01 and
   date(o.order_date) <  '2015-03-01
The insert statement

Same general rules apply

insert into audits
   (table_name, column_name, id, old_value, new_value)
   ('customers', 'status_id', 8056, 10, 200)
The update statement

Same general rules apply

   status_id = 500
   customer_id = 8011
Table creation scripts
set foreign_key_checks = 0;

-- drop table /*! if exists */ parties;

create table parties (
  party_id          integer unsigned  not null  auto_increment primary key ,
  party_type_id     integer unsigned  not null ,
  institution_id    integer unsigned  ,
  name              varchar(255)      ,
  first_name        varchar(255)      ,
  middle_name       varchar(255)      ,
  last_name         varchar(255)      ,
  username          varchar(255)      ,
  email             varchar(255)      ,
  phone             varchar(255)      ,
  phone2            varchar(255)      ,
  source            varchar(255)      ,
  comments          text              ,

  created           datetime          not null ,
  last_updated      timestamp         not null
        default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp ,

  unique key name_institution (name, party_type_id, institution_id),
  foreign key (party_type_id)  references party_types (party_type_id),
  foreign key (institution_id) references institutions (party_id)
engine InnoDB default charset=utf8;

show warnings;

set foreign_key_checks = 1;

desc parties;

Unix utility: sql_pretty

Here is a simple utility that will reformat SQL. It does most of it. It is a work in progress.  It uses regex but needs to do a full SQL parse to do everything: sql_pretty


These conventions have made my life easier. Easy to read code is good code is easy living. So go clean up your SQL scripts!  And have fun.

Unix House Keeping

Where is everything? Where do files go in Unix? There are no bonafide rules. But we’re free to invent some. So here are mine.

The Heap

/data – Everything starts off in this subdirectory. Consider it the Heap from which all other areas are carved out of. We’re using the term data in its most broadest sense.

/data/apps – Installed apps that don’t install themselves into the woodworks.

/data/backups – Back up files

/data/downloads – Downloaded files

/data/www – Website Root dir


We then symlink them to root to make them easier to get to

# ln -s /data/apps /apps
# ln -s /data/backups /backups
# ln -s /data/downloads /downloads
# ln -s /data/www /www

This gives:



/apps/crowfly – Production git master branch

/home/dlink/crowfly – Development version – git feature branches

/www/crowfly.net –> /apps/crowfly/www – A symlink to the web portion or the public portion of a production application

/www/dev.crowfly.net –> /home/dlink/crowfly/www – A symlink to the web portion of a development branch.

/www/crowfly.net/purple-bat.com –> /apps/purple-bat/www – A symlink to the web portion of an application that does not have its own domain name.   It lives over the parent domain.   The source code of the parent needs to list the symlink in its .gitignore file.


/backups/flower_images_20141203.tgz – A backup of images tarred and zipped – with timestamp in name.

/backups/db/books_20150220.dump.gz – A database dump, zipped – with timestamp in name.  These are created like this:

mysqldump -uuser -ppass -hhost db | gzip - > /backups/db/books/20150220.dump.gz

and they are recovered like this:

alias bookdb='mysql -uuser -ppass -hhost db'
echo 'create database books' | booksdb
gunzip -c /backups/db/books_20150220.dump.gz | booksdb


There is such a long tradition of placing logs in /var/log that we don’t  moved to /data.

Application Logs

/var/log/plant/plant.log – Production log
/var/log/plant/stage_plant.log – Staging Log
/var/log/plant/dev_plant.log – Development Log
/var/log/plant/dlink_plant.log – Alternative Development Log (using username)
/home/dlink/log/dev_plant.log – Alternative Development Log (using user homedir)

/var/log/plant/plant_traceback.log – Production Traceback Log
/var/log/plant/stage_plant_traceback.log – Development Traceback log

Web Logs

/var/log/apache2/crowfly.net.log – Apache Log for site.
/var/log/apache2/crowfly.net.error.log – Apache Error Log for site (periods (.) not dashes)


What’s nice about adopting a standard for where files go on all your systems (Your local mac included) is you can easily move files around.  Here is an examples.

cd /backups/db
scp flyingcrows.com:$PWD/world_2014*.dump.gz .

Programs should be like Gardens

I believe programs should be like gardens.   They should be lovely to see.   Gardens are things we walk around in and return to often.  Gardens are things we wish to spend time in with others – to relax in and enjoy its beauty.

If we strive to make your programming systems like gardens, then our days as programmers will be filled with pleasure.


Variable Naming Conventions

A simple rule to help improve convention and maintainability: Camelcasing should be used when dealing with Objects,  Everything else should use underscores.

  • Class definitions should be CapCase
  • Objects should be mixedCase
  • Class Methods should be mixedCase
class BookAuthors(object):    # <-- Class Definition
   def getAuthors(self, book_id):  # <-- Class Method
      return results

bookAuthors = BookAuthors()   # <-- Object
Everything Else

When not dealing with objects we should use underscores and lowercase

  • Simple instance variables
  • Functions
  • Filenames / Modules
  • SQL schema, table and column names
   return sql2

num_books = len(books)
fp_debug = open('/tmp/debug.log', 'a') 

sql = 'select book_id, author_id from books.book_authors where book_id = ?'

This varies slightly from the PEP8 Naming conventions.   The PEP8 suggest class methods and non-class methods (or functions) be treated the same way, with underscores. However I prefer naming class methods with mixedCase to remind us we’re in the domain of objects.

With regard to sql schemas, table and column names, because column names can become very long, underscores makes them more readable.

Defensive Programming is the way to go.

Defensive programming is like defensive driving: Anticipate everything that might go wrong. If a function is passed an Id to a database table, do not assume that it is a valid Id, or an integer, or even that it has a value.

What is most important in defensive programming is to communicate clear and precise error messages when things are not as they aught be.

Here are some examples error messages:

Less then ideal error messages:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'last_name' 

_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'Jerry' in 'where clause'")

IndexError: list index out of range

KeyError: 'Jerry'

Better ones:

BookError: Book not found: id = Jerry

AuthorError: Author not found: id = 506

getCustomers command: Expected 3 parameters, only 2 given.

FoomWebsiteError: Unable to read from http://foom.com: HTTP 500

These better error messages are not hard to do if we think about it ahead of time. Here are some examples:

class BookError(Exception): pass

class Book(object):
   def get(self, id):
      results = self.db.query(select * from books where id = ?, id)
      if not results:
         raise Bookerror('Book not found: id = %s' % id
   return results[0]

Another example:

URL = 'foom.com'
class FoomWebsiteError(Exception): pass

class FoomWebsite(object):
   def scrapePage(path, params):
      website = Website(URL)
      page = website.go(path, params)
      if website.error:
         raise WebsiteError('Unable to read from %s: %s'
            % (URL, website.error)
      lines = page.split('<p>')
      name = lines[3]
      return page


It is okay to have bugs if they are easy to find and easy to fix. Applying a little defensive programming to everything we write make debugging a breeze, and helps everyone using the system.

Working Towards the Ideal

Whether building a new system, or trying to untangle some untenable rats nest of code — One should have an image of the ideal state in their mind.

If we draw up the best plan we can, thinking in terms of the perfect – regardless of its immediate feasibility – we can then put that on the wall and work towards it.

All changes to code come in two forms:  Bug Fixes and Feature Enhancements.   There are many decisions to make in each case.  By holding up an Ideal, it helps us with those decisions.   We choose the path that helps the code converge on some well conceived plan  rather than letting it oscillating around, as is often the case.

The ideal plan is rarely realized but that’s not the point.  By aiming at one target we help the general direction of all the arrows.

So we must spend a lot of time designing the ideal.  To do that we need to create documents such as these:

– Problem Statements
– Use Case Diagrams
– Data Model Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD),
– Class Diagrams
– Sequence Diagrams
– Wireframes, and
– Mock Reports

It is not enough to simple understand a single aspect of the system and go to work implementing it.   We must take the extra time to see how that component fits into the larger whole. The benefits of which creates flexible, easy to use and fun to maintain code.

It was Abe Lincoln who said: Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Libraries over Frameworks

What is the benefit of using a framework like Ruby-on-Rails, Pylons or Drupal?  Simply put, it helps us start and develop code from nothing quickly.   But it does not have long lasting staying power.   If you plan to be using the system for years to come – the advantage of the quick start up is out weighed by the restrictions placed upon you by the framework.

So often in my experience working on legacy systems in various industries the Framework itself becomes the enemy of quick bug fixes and feature enhancements.

I prefer to use libraries rather than using frameworks.  We all need libraries because we don’t want to reinvent everything like database connectivity, yaml parsing, json parsing, and interesting things like zipcode distance calculations, etc.

But frameworks are something we can write ourselves very easily.   The advantage of doing so is the ability to understand and have complete control over everything in the system, and only have those things we really need, and nothing else.

Lightweight “frameworks” like Cherrypy and Flask for python and Sinatra for ruby, which can be considered libraries for http-routing, rather than frameworks, are more elegant solutions than full fledged MVC frameworks.



Data Layer is King

It is far better to have an excellent Database Design and a crappy Application Layer, than an excellent Application Layer with a crappy Database design.

Why is that?  Simply put, you can always skim your Application code off the top and write a new one.   But you can not simply swap out the Data Layer without completely undermining the Application.

The closer we can model our business logic in the database itself – the better it is for the business.  When new unforseen questions arise about the business, we can always run adhoc queries from a well designed database schema to get the answers.

For example:

  • Who are our top customers?
  • What is revenue month over month?  Year over year?
  • What is the distribution of sales by product types across all income channels?
  • What percentage of our customers pay late over 30 days?
  • What time of day do we have the most volume?
  • What is the percentage of repeat customers vs first time buyers?
  • Has revenue gone up since the last website revamp?

All of these questions are very easily answered with a little SQL magic, when the database is well designed.  And all of these questions can be horrendously hard to answer when it is not.

For all important systems, the Data Layer must be King.



Why SHOUT in your SQL?

Somewhere someone started the tradition of capitalizing keywords in SQL.   Its like shouting all the unimportant parts of the code and making what’s important harder to read.

   SELECT b.id as book_id, a.name as author, b.pub_date as publication_date FORM books b LEFT JOIN authors a on b.id = a.book_id WHERE foo_bar = 'Fibonacci';

I say stop doing that.  And use instead super indentation and formatting.  Pseudo English is easier to read when it is not capitalized.

      b.id       as book_id,
      a.name     as author,
      b.pub_date as publication_date
      left join authors a on b.id = a.book_id
      foo_bar = 'Fibonacci'

See: sql_prettyHelp

Pull Requests improve Quality

A Pull Request, which might more sensibly be called a Merge Request, is the act of a someone asking another to merge his or her code into theirs.  It is all so civil.

It solves an age old problem of how to do code review, in a more effective less disruptive way.  The simple rule of thumb is “Nobody merges in their own code.”  You get someone else to do it.

That simple act of asking another to merge implies they sign off on it.   They may simply say, “Oh, Zac knows what he’s doing here, and he knows this code better then I do”, and accept the Pull Request and Merge it in to the main branch.

Or one might download the branch, test it out in isolation, ask questions about why the coder did this or that, suggest changes based on coding standards, convention, coding logic or point out bugs.

Either of the two extremes add value, improves communication and does wonders to improve the overall quality of the output of the team.

And Quality is the name of the game.